Planning Application Documents |
Planning Application Drawings |
Bord na Móna Powergen Ltd. and ESB Wind Development Ltd have applied to An Bord Pleanála for planning permission for the proposed construction of an electrical substation, overhead line grid connection and all associated site works in the townland of Timahoe East, County Kildare. |
A ten-year planning permission is being sought. The application documentation includes an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS). The proposed development forms part of a larger renewable energy project at this location. The Timahoe solar energy project is the subject of a planning application directly to Kildare County Council, as instructed by the Board in the direction that issued. The larger renewable energy project provides for a solar photovoltaic array and all associated infrastructure including temporary construction compounds, battery storage compound, upgrade of existing tracks and provision of new site access roads, site drainage, forestry felling and replanting, permanent signage and all associated site development and ancillary works. |